Welcome to the Bloom Game!
Please read over these game instructions, then click “Ready to Play” at the bottom.
Don’t worry – you don’t have to remember all of the instructions below. We’ll remind you of what you need to do each step of the way. But a quick read-through of these instructions now will help you get the “big picture.”
Purpose of the Game
It feels so good to accomplish things, but we often get overwhelmed when we see the distance between us and our big goals. The solution? Play the Bloom Game!
We’ll empower you to experience more:
- Accomplishment: Set and complete “do-able,” valuable goals each week with help from all our goal suggestions.
- Balance: Select bite-sized goals for You, Your Family, and Beyond.
- Serendipity: Embrace unexpected opportunities to learn, teach and enjoy life.
Set Up
Self Assessment
When you finish reading these instructions, we’ll take you to the Bloom Self-Assessment (it’ll take you about 10 minutes to fill this out). The Self-Assessment will help you see how you’re currently doing in different areas of your life and establish a “baseline” to compare yourself against as you move forward with the game. You’ll be able to refer to your assessment scores to help you determine which goals you want to set.
We’ll prompt you to take the same Self-Assessment again every 3 months and it’ll be great to see your scores increasing. You’ll be able to track your progress and literally see yourself growing and becoming – and blooming!
Level of Play
After you’ve taken the Self-Assessment, you’ll be taken to your “Preferences” screen where you can select whether you’d like to start with the beginner or advanced level. What’s included in each level is explained in the “Scoring Points” section below.
Number of Players
Play on your own or invite friends or relatives to be on your team. On your “Preferences” screen, you’ll be able to enter the email addresses of those you’d like to invite. Research shows that sharing our goals increases the likelihood of achieving them. Being accountable to your friends is a great incentive, and ALL of you will benefit. You can start off playing on your own and add “team members” later if you want.
Beginning your First Round of Play
When you’ve finished the set-up steps above, you’re ready to set your goals and start playing! You’ll be directed to a screen with lots of specific ideas for meaningful, bite-sized goals in the three categories, “For You,” “For Your Family,” and “Beyond.” You’ll simply click on the goals you want to do, adjust them to fit your needs (or make up your own goals if you want), then a few minutes later – voila! Your own personal chart with your goals for this week is generated for you. Now you’re ready to play.
Scoring Points
There are two ways to get points each week:
- Completing Goals: You get a point for each goal you set and accomplish (3 in the beginner level, 5 in the advanced level)
- Serendipity Moments: You get a point for embracing and recording the spontaneous moments of giving, growing and enjoying that you notice in your life (2 in the beginner level, 3 in the advanced level). To see examples of “Serendipity Moments” click here.
A “perfect” score for the beginner level would be 5 and a perfect score for the advanced level would be 8.
Your score is something only you and our website administrator will see unless you choose to set up a team and enable everyone on your team to see each other’s goals and scores.
Method of Play
Throughout the week, you’ll track your accomplishments and Serendipity Moments on the personal tracking sheet we’ll help you create (you can do this online or you can print out your goal sheet). When you have a “serendipitous” moment arise (a chance to answer a child’s question with an important discussion, a chance to help a friend in need, a beautiful day when you announce a spontaneous family picnic or bike ride), you write that down (or type it in) in the space provided on your tracking sheet (this is a point-earning “accomplishment” too!).
Ongoing Play
Each Sunday, you will receive an email with a link to the goal chart you made the previous Sunday. You’ll check off any goals you’ve completed and didn’t check off during the week and record Serendipity Moments you haven’t previously recorded. Your score for the week will be calculated for you and you’ll be invited to share any favorite accomplishments (planned or unplanned) for that week with the whole community of Bloom players. You can read about other’s accomplishments and gain new ideas and inspiration.
Then you’ll set your goals for the upcoming week.
You can look back at goals you’ve set in the past and past week scores as well as your Self-Assessment scores at any time.
Every three months, we’ll prompt you to re-take your Self-Assessment.
The most important reward you receive will be the sense of accomplishment and progress this program will provide.
But you may want to come up with your own special reward. You could decide that if you get a perfect score for some set number of weeks, you’ll buy yourself something you’ve been wanting. It’s always nice to have a fun little “carrot” you dangle out there for yourself!
If you’re doing this with friends or family members, you could come up with a fun joint prize for everyone who has earned a certain number of points after a given period of time (like everyone with over 60 points after an 8-week period will go to lunch together – or go on a fun girls’ weekend together!).
You can have fun with rewards or incentives. Or you can just participate because it’ll make you feel great and that’s reward enough.
Playing with Others
To play with friends or family members, simply copy, paste and edit the following into an email or Facebook post.
“I’m using the Power of Moms Bloom Game to help me accomplish simple bite-sized goals each week. Want to “play” with me? We can compare scores each week and help each other stay on track towards the things that are important to us. And let’s treat ourselves to a fun girls’ night out (or whatever else we think would be fun) if we can each get 60 points during an 8-week period. Read about the game and sign up HERE then let me know you’re going to be part of my group so I can follow up with you!”
Then create an email group (just a list of emails you keep handy or a yahoo or gmail group) or Facebook group with those who’ve agreed to play the game with you.
Each week, when you get your Bloom coaching email from us on Sunday, send a Facebook post or email to your group, asking everyone to report their score. You could say something like this:
“How did Bloom go for you last week? Report your score by replying to this post/email!”