With the end of school right around the corner, I’ve been getting all my summer “documents” out (lists of things to do, summer schedules, brochures for camps/classes, etc.) and was thinking about doing a post on getting ready for summer. However, when I went to the website and did a search, I discovered we’ve already got the bases covered very nicely.
With four children ranging in age from 5-15, making a deliberate plan for how the summer is going to go down is no joke. Obviously, I don’t want anyone sitting around watching TV all summer (except for Day 1 which is our traditional movies and jammies day–yay!), but my tactics for the 5-year-old and the 15-year-old are going to be very different. In short, I need a serious plan. A plan for learning, a plan for work, and of course, a plan for fun. (That’s actually at the top of the list.) And if you’re here, I’m guessing you feel the same. Whatever your family dynamic and personality style, following is a list of all our best posts for making this your family’s best summer yet. Enjoy!
The Type A, nitty gritty, ultra practical, planning posts for a “productive” summer:
- “Do-it-Yourself” Summer Camp Kit (has been read by a million moms now)
- Creating a Summer Schedule
- The Swing of Summer
- 5 Ways To Keep Tweens and Teens Busy During the Summer
- Don’t Fix the Pains of Summer
- Encore: Summer Goals from the Perspective of two 9-Year-Olds
- For the Lonely Mothers in the Summertime
- Making Summer Awesome – Episode 21
- Operation Summer: How to Keep Active Kids Engaged
Great ideas for making the most of your vacations, stay-cations, and road trips:
Just good ole lists of fun things to do:
All fun, no fuss:
- What a Hands-Free Summer Looks Like
- The Blessings of a Slow Summer
- The Anti-Summer-Bucket-List Campaign
Bonus section for those who really want to ramp up the reading this summer:
- Sharing the Joy of Reading Kit
- Growing Bookworms
- Favorite Children’s Books
- Favorite Family Reading List for the Summer
There you have it, moms! All the information you could ever want (and more) for creating a summer to remember. Please share the love by pinning, posting on Facebook, linking to your blog, or simply forwarding to a friend. 12 weeks is a long time to be in survival mode listening to your children complain about being bored. No mom should be without these great resources! Happy summer!
QUESTION: What are your best strategies for creating an awesome summer?
CHALLENGE: Get ahead of the game and make a plan before that final school bell rings.
Originally published May 17, 2013, with new posts added.
Julie says
Thank you so much for posting this and putting it together! This is great!
Jennifer says
Where can I find the article “Do-It-Yourself Summer Camp?” I have found the link to the kit, but I’d sure like to read about how it works, to see if it will be right for my family! (Links I’ve found so far are leading to an “oops-this-page-is-gone” message.)
Thank you!
Amy says
quite a few of those links are broken