In this week’s brand new episode, Power of Families Director Saren and her sisters, Shawni and Saydi, and her mom, Linda Eyre discuss their thoughts, ideas and experiences about technology and screentime in today’s world and in their own families. Some of the issues addressed are:
- How to keep from using phones as a crutch too often with our youngest children
- How to manage our own screen time and model good phone use for our children
- What we can do to keep phones from undermining real interpersonal connections
- When children should get their own smart phone
- How to help older children adopt appropriate boundaries once they have phones
Show Notes
Article from the Atlantic that was mentioned: Have Smart Phones Destroyed a Generation?
Podcast Saren referred to about SnapChat: The episode is called “Manipulation” and it’s on the TED Radio Hour podcast which combines TED talks that address a similar subject. The specific part of the epiode that I was refering to and that we listened together as a family came from this TED Talk.
Previous Podcast Episode on Technology: Technology: What are the Rules?
Posts on Technology and Phones:
Technology: What I Wish I’d Known About Teens and Devices
Video Games are not the Enemy – They are the Messenger
Rethinking the Screen Time Battle
Tackling Screen Time (Includes video and chart)
Why Your Teenager Might Be Happier Without a Smart Phone
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash
Great comments ladies, thanks! Saren can you link the podcast that you and your kids listened to in the car, and Oliver commented about not wanting a phone after listening to it?I’d love to listen to that one as well! 🙂
Tiffany (and Mindi):
The episode is called “Manipulation” and it’s on the TED Radio Hour podcast which combines TED talks that address a similar subject. The specific part of the epiode that I was refering to and that we listened together as a family came from this TED Talk: I’ll add this to the show notes!
Thanks so much!
I’d love to know what the podcast was that Saran referred to. That she listened to with her kids, about Snapchat and the effects of technology and the brain.
What was the name of the app that monitors phone time, where you can limit apps, etc? I am a pediatrician and always counsel on limiting screen time, but I would love to get more specific!