To start you off, we'd love to give you the first episode of our popular children's audio series along with a family discussion and activity guide. This episode will help you teach your children about honesty.
Please send my free story and guide
Then we invite you to check out our latest posts that will help you teach your children the values and character traits that will help them find happiness and success in life.
Shawni’s tried just about everything when it comes to teaching her kids about work and money. And she’s finally come up with a system that really works.
Most of us set some personal resolutions in January. But what about our families? This is a great time to discuss what’s working and not working in our families and decide on some things we’re going to work on together.
It’s so fun to see our kids’ excitement when they’re opening gifts. But it’s oh-so beautiful to see our kids delight as they GIVE gifts. Here are some simple ways to help your kids get excited about giving.
Saren shares simple, tried-and-true ideas for how your children can help children in need during the holidays.
Check out these simple and meaningful ideas to help your family really feel the joy of gratitude this month.
Do you have trouble motivating your kids to do their share around the house? Check out these five very practical tips from parenting expert Amy McCready to help you get your family routines back on track.
We love the fun parades, barbecues, and fireworks, but here are some ideas to teach the real meaning of the holiday!
In the spirit of encouraging growth and freedom, I’ve made a list of things I will not fix for my kids this summer…
Easter can be simple, cheap, and oh-so-meaningful. Here are Saren’s favorite ideas for easy, Christ-focused Easter traditions.
In this humorous and inspiring essay, author Amy Makechnie shares her experience of giving her thirteen-year-old daughter a lump sum allowance for the year and watching life lessons unfold.