Taking Care of Mom Mini-Retreat Evaluation –March 21, 2015 Facebook0 Twitter0 Pinterest0 Evernote Print0 Email00share Taking Care of Mom Mini-Retreat Evaluation --March 21, 2015 Please take a couple minutes to fill out this survey. Your feedback will help us fine-tune our presentations. Thank you! How would you describe this training to someone else? (choose up to three)* Amazing. Life-changing. I had a lot of "ah-ha" moments and many ideas rang true to me. Generally informative and helpful. Motivating and empowering. I came away with ideas that will really work for me. Organized and well-presented. I would definitely recommend this training to a friend. The instructors did a great job involving attendees in discussion and sharing. I learned from other attendees as well as the instructors. It could have been more entertaining and interactive. It could have been presented in a more organized way. I didn't find it especially helpful. Please choose 2 or 3 statements above that reflect your experience at this training.What statement would you add to the above? (if any) What was the most helpful thing you learned?*What would you suggest to make this training more effective? (if anything) Δ Facebook0 Twitter0 Pinterest0 Evernote Print0 Email00share