Thank you for becoming a registered member of Power of Moms!
To access the free resources we provide to all members, as well as any additional programs you sign up for, follow these easy steps:
1. Log in at the top the page (using the name and password you chose upon registering).
2. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see your name and “My Programs” in the login area.
3. Click on “My Programs,” and you’ll see links to all the great resources and programs you can now access!
It is our deepest desire to help all moms find the support, resources and ideas they need to be the moms and women they really want to be. Feel free to explore the site or see what types of programs Power of Moms has to offer! We’re so glad to have you as part of our community of deliberate mothers. Please let your friends know about Power of Moms. We don’t want to leave anyone out.
April and Saren