Here are just a few of the 100’s of wonderful comments we’ve received about Learning Circles (plus a few photos sent in by Learning Circle Leaders):
“Our first Learning Circle gathering last night was amazing beyond description. I am still in a state of shock at how incredibly wonderful our experience was. We had 13 women who returned home as changed individuals, able to more effectively love their children and embrace their role as mothers.”
“The Learning Circle Start-Up Manual made it SO easy to set up my group. I think you’ve done a really great job at thoroughly explaining everything in great detail so that anyone could read the kit and go from there. It seems you have covered every possible question a Learning Circle Leader would have.”
“There was this great energy at our first meeting! Everyone was so excited to have an uninterrupted adult conversation and to learn so much from each other. After three hours of talking and laughing, I wrapped things up since it was getting late. We said our goodbyes, but 1/2 hour later, I looked outside and everyone was still standing out there by their cars, chatting away! I’m so glad we get to do this again next month or it would have been impossible to finally say goodbye!”
“We’ve only been doing our Learning Circle for a couple months but already, I can see that I’ve made some lifelong friends.”
In an email to her Learning Circle group: “I want to thank you all for a great discussion last night. I felt renewed by the ideas you shared, grounded in truth – and I came home with some hopeful inspiration. Thank you for being a safe place that filled me up last night. Our Learning Circle has become one of the great joys in my life.”
“We’ve only been doing our Learning Circle for a couple months but already, I can see that I’ve made some lifelong friends.”
“In the Start-Up Kit, I love that you spelled out some ‘ground rules’ for our group to use so that they didn’t have to just come from me – when the rules come from another source, it’s just easier. It’s so nice to have all these ‘tried and true’ instructions put together for us.”
“The topics and articles offered by Learning Circles have been so perfect for all of the women in our group – even though we’re all very different and have children at slightly different stages. I love how you’ve created topics that ALL moms need.”
“I loved having a specific place and time to discuss the issues that are most important to me as a mom. My world is so full of ‘baby talk’ and ‘small talk,’ but this Learning Circle gave me the chance to really connect with other moms and learn that I am not alone!”