What do you yearn for in your life as a mother? While each mom has her own individual hopes and needs, we’ve found that pretty much all moms come up with strikingly similar answers to this question. Deliberate mothers crave Peace, Purpose, Order, and Joy.
We’ve broken these four concepts down into 12 subcategories – or what we like to call “powers.” PEACE involves acceptance, love and patience. PURPOSE involves embracing our individuality, establishing intention, and progressing. ORDER involves prioritization, balance, and organization. And JOY involves optimism, fun, and cherishing moments.
Each month in our Learning Circles and through the daily articles on this site, we’ll be focusing on one of these 12 “powers” as universally desired by mothers.
We invite you to get involved as you:
- read excellent articles on the Power of the Month and add your comments
- participate in monthly challenges
- write about your experiences as one of our Authors
- start a Learning Circle to discuss these ideas with moms you love
- focus on these Powers as you play the Bloom Game
Join 1000’s of mothers in becoming the mothers we really want to be by focusing on one area of progress each month.
Here’s the calendar of “Powers” for the year:
As you see, only the current month’s “power” is set up as a link. Click on the current month’s link to find the monthly challenge and a list of excellent articles on the power of the month. For a full description of each power, please click HERE.