We are so incredibly grateful for those of you who serve on our volunteer team here at Power of Moms, and this special page has been created to outline the details and hopefully answer any questions you might have. (Please email april (at) power of moms.com or saren (at) poweroffamilies.com if you have further questions, okay?)
Purpose of the Power of Moms Team
Running this enormous community of deliberate mothers is a labor of love that requires a lot of energy and time. Most of what we offer at Power of Moms is completely free to any and all moms (our posts, our podcasts, our free programs, our outreach on social media, etc.). Our team of volunteers enables this platform to involve a wide variety of mothers, offer so many free resources, and maintain an independent voice–not overly influenced by advertisers. That’s why Power of Moms is different than every other “mom website” out there, and YOU are the ones to thank for that.
While we do offer some programs for sale at Power of Moms, the fees gathered from those programs fluctuates greatly and cannot support regular employees. Income from program sales is used to support the ongoing development and marketing of those programs as well as the overall operating expenses of the website (which are quite sizeable!).
Benefits of Being a Team Member
While Power of Moms is not an employer that offers monetary paychecks, we’ve established benefits for our team members in order to offer a win-win experience for everyone. As a volunteer at Power of Moms, you receive:
- The opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause: helping other moms (and yourself in the process!) be the moms they really want and need to be
- Associations with wonderful women (honestly, we adore you all and so enjoy our associations with you)
- The chance to do something that impacts the larger world outside your family without having to commit to a set schedule or leave your home. (We take care of the platform, maintenance, product creation, customer service, financing, outreach, brand management, etc., and you can contribute in a way that works best for you.)
- The opportunity to gain or enhance meaningful skills. (Involvement at Power of Moms is much like an internship. We’re here to support you as you learn new skills and abilities, and should you you ever apply for paid employment, your Power of Moms experience would be excellent to put on your resume.)
- Complimentary access to all of our Power of Moms programs. (Once you join our team, we’ll set you up with complete access…and give you the first look at all new resources created for the site.)
- The ability to give one program a month away to a friend (works great for baby showers, birthdays, etc.). Because of payments required to outside sources, the only programs currently NOT eligible for giveaway to others are M.O.M. Premium and Joy School.
- Lots and lots of gratitude from April and Saren, your fellow team members, and the Power of Moms Community (we can’t quantify this!).
Your Responsibilities as a Power of Moms Team Member
- Commit to 1-2 hours of POM work each week (sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less, always with the understanding that your family comes first. We have a no-stress policy that says that if you can’t get to something, you just let us know in a timely way and we’ll totally understand!)
- Report regularly to the person who oversees your Power of Moms work (generally April, Saren or Sarah Monson); ask for support as needed; ask questions as needed. Don’t wait for us to ask how you’re doing (which we’ll definitely try to do quite frequently). Please just step up and tell us your ideas and what you need (because sometimes we’ll get busy and forget to check in but we always welcome feedback and ideas from you).
- Let us know at least a week in advance (when possible) if you need to step away from your responsibilities for a time (for a vacation or something planned). Let us know as soon as you can when you have an issue crop up that may cause you to need to slow down or take a break from your POM work.
- Help train and transition the person who’ll be taking on your responsibilities if/when you should decide to step down or move to a new position.
Process of Getting Started
Once you’ve officially joined our team, we have a specific process to get you all set up:
(1) Please provide a photo and bio for our Team Page (we want to highlight you on the site!) and send it to koni.smith (at) poweroffamilies.com. She will also add you to our Google Group email service and tag you as a Team Member within our InfusionSoft database.
(2) Please email anna.jenkins (at) poweroffamilies.com with your username at Power of Moms, and she’ll set you up with all the programs–plus give you a “Power of Moms” email address
(3) Finally, email april (at) poweroffamilies.com to let her know you’re all set up, and she’ll welcome you to the team in an official team email.
Again, we can’t thank you enough for the work you do, and if you can think of any ways we can improve your team member experience at Power of Moms, please let us know.