Today’s featured author, Crystal Paine of the website Money-Saving Mom, recently recorded a podcast for Power of Moms Radio and an interview for the Mom Conference. We encourage you to explore all these links to the fabulous resources that Crystal has provided our Power of Moms’ community.
It’s 7:00 a.m.
Your hair is a mess; your house is a mess.
Your breath is bad; your attitude is even worse.
You see your one-year-old daughter climbing on the kitchen table, smashing Cheerios underfoot and dumping out a cup of milk that was left there.
You hear your four-year-old son shouting your name from the bathroom, informing you that he wet the bed last night and needs clean undies.
You are overwhelmed and cranky and–need I remind you?–it’s only 7:00 a.m.
Is there any way to turn this morning around? What can a mom do when she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and is greeted by chaos?
Crystal Paine of the website Money Saving Mom has ten suggestions for small but very effective things that a mom can do if she wakes up feeling like a grouch. These strategies range from brightening your environment (by turning on music, lighting a candle, or cleaning just one thing) to jump-starting your productivity (by tackling a project, eating something healthy, and dressing for the day you hope to have).
To read all ten strategies, continue on to Crystal’s website and check out all of the resources that she’s compiled to help moms “make over their mornings.”
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