We capture our kids’ childhood in photos. Shouldn’t we capture our motherhood as well?
We want our children to remember how they looked and what they did. But if we also want them to remember how we looked at them and what we did together, we’ve got to make the effort to get in the picture!
This week, in response to the beautiful blog post Get in the Picture by Saren Eyre Loosli, we have a special prize for all the moms who take our photo challenge. Ready to begin? (You can even do this from your phone, if you’d like!)
1. Get some snapshots of yourself with your children.
Just hand someone a camera (one of your kids, perhaps!) or set the auto-timer. The photos could be of you cleaning or cooking with your kids, brushing hair, reading bedtime stories, playing outside . . . any of the stuff that makes up the fabric of our day-to-day mothering lives and seldom gets documented. (Scroll down for a collage of more sample photos.)
2. Share your favorite photo(s) along with a link to this page.
Put them on Facebook, Instagram, or on your blog, or email them to your mom friends along with a link to this page, which is easy to remember: www.poweroffamilies.com/picture. Invite them to be a part of the fun by saying something like, “Join me in the Power of Moms ‘Get in the Picture’ Challenge!”
3. Email [email protected] with your photo and a statement about how you shared this contest.
Send an email with your photo attached as well as info on what you did to share this contest with the moms you know (i.e. “I linked on Facebook” or forward the email you sent to friends) by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th (or just do it today – you’ll be so glad you did!). We’ll be posting collages of some of the photos we receive, and we’ll send a link to those collages in our newsletter. This is one simple way that you can make history. (If you do not want your photo shared on our website, please include a brief note in your email.)
4. We’ll immediately reply to your email between now and November 7th with a special link to TWO FREE GIFTS.
We’re excited to offer you a 20-page chapter by Shawni Pothier (the very talented blogger and photographer at 71 Toes.com), from our brand new Power of Moms book (Deliberate Motherhood: 12 Key Powers of Peace, Purpose, Order and Joy). Shawni’s chapter is called “Motherhood is Worth it: The Power of Moments” and offers great stories and concrete ideas to help you find more joy in motherhood through creating, capturing and cherishing beautiful moments. You’ll love it.
You will also receive a complimentary 1-hour webinar by Saren and April titled, “Understanding Love Languages,” which is full of inspiration to help you strengthen the relationships in your family.
We can’t wait to see your photos and see this fun challenge spread!
*** For further ideas about why it’s important to be in the picture, be sure to check out this recent post: Get in the Picture by Saren Eyre Loosli.