The voting is now closed. Thanks for participating.
Here’s the winning photograph that we will use for the cover of our new book, Mothering on Purpose: The 12 Powers of Deliberate Mothers. The book will be available prior to Mother’s Day this year!
We love how this image captures the sense of mothers preparing children for bright and exciting futures. We love how it suggests strength and patience and love and so many other “powers” that are addressed in our new book.
Congratulations to the photographer, Cary Brege, who will receive a free resistration to a Power of Moms Retreat as well as the chance to have her work featured on our book. We look forward to using the other photographs submitted on our website. Thanks so much to all who participated!
If you’d like to view the other photos in the contest, feel free to browse the images below but no more votes will be counted.
[contest votes=3 include=”15985,15963,16798,15946,16026,15966,16025,15947,15961,16021,15969,16003,15998,16798″ ]