Our Photo Contest has closed. Thanks to all those who entered!
We’ll announce the results through our newsletter, so please be sure you’ve signed up!
We’re on a search for the cover photo for our soon-to-be-published book with the working title “The 12 Powers of Deliberate Mothers” And we’re inviting YOU to participate in our Photo Contest.
Those who are new to our community might not be aware that for the past 16 months, we have been working diligently to prepare our very first book for publication. (Yay!)
It’s a compilation written by more than 60 mothers, and honestly, we can’t wait for the world to read it . . . but it needs a cover. (See that image on the left? That’s all we’ve got right now.)
We think there’s someone in our community whose photography needs to be front-and-center on this new book, and if you’re interested in this opportunity, please read through the contest details below. (We’d also love your help spreading the word to your photographer friends.)
Thanks so much!
The First Things You’ll Probably Want to Know:
- The reason we’re publishing this book is to give voice to the power of moms. When we first ventured into this thrilling ride of motherhood, no one gave us an instruction manual on how to be a mom (or how to take care of the person inside the mom)–and even the very best parenting books can’t possibly anticipate the unique craziness and beauty that each of us will encounter. However, we believe there are some basic, fundamental principles of happy, meaningful motherhood that, if understood, can change a mother’s life . . . and her entire family. Through the stories and ideas of more than 60 moms (who have lived through a variety of incredible experiences), this book can make the road just a little easier for us and for the generations to follow.
- The book is based on the 12 Powers of Motherhood, which we discuss in articles and podcasts month by month on this website. Please click here to see a list of our authors and chapter themes. And if you’d like to vote on the title, see below.
- We’re also privileged to have a beautiful foreword written by NYT Best-Selling Author, Linda Eyre, and The Power of Moms will be working with a variety of distributors, blogs, and websites to get this book into the hands of all the mothers who need it.
What kind of an images have we brainstormed?
As you can probably tell from the title suggestions, we’re looking for something that goes well with our website name and tag line, “The Power of Moms – A Gathering Place for Deliberate Mothers.”
What image says, “deliberate, powerful mothering” to you?
We’ve thought about close-up shots of a mother holding a child’s hand, pushing a child on a swing, or sharing a meaningful moment together. We’re hoping for a photo that will help moms feel the joy and beauty of motherhood. However, this is where we need your creativity. The Power of Moms is for mothers of all ages and backgrounds. We mother teenagers and “adults,” as well as babies, preschoolers, and everything in between. Some of us have one child, some of us have many. We are SO excited to see what kinds of images you have to share.
Contest Rules:
Photos must belong to you, the person who submits the photo, with no copyright restrictions.
If you have taken the photo of someone else, you will need to get their written permission to submit the photo into this contest, and (if your photo is selected) we will need to have both the photographer and the subjects sign a waiver to allow The Power of Moms to use the photo on our book cover.
You may submit as many photos as you’d like, but please send each one in .jpg or .png format in a separate email–labeled as “Photo 1,” “Photo 2,” etc.
Contest Deadline:
Please email your photos to [email protected] by Friday, February 24th, 2012.
Once all of the submissions have been received, The Power of Moms Board will select up to 10 photos to be voted upon by our community.
For the Winner . . .
The selected photograph will be featured in front of thousands of mothers in the electronic version of the book as well as in the print form. We will include your name (and blog/website, if you have one) in the credits of the book and link to your information (blog, email, whatever you like) on our book page. Other great photos submitted will be featured on our website as part of articles and programs, always with links to the photographer’s blog/website included. We’re excited to offer great images to our website readers while providing great exposure to many wonderful mom-photographers out there.
The winner will also receive two free hard-copy versions of the book, ten free eBooks, and a free registration to a Power of Moms Retreat (up to $250 value).