The Facebook Community for M.O.M. Premium is honestly incredible, and once you join, you’ll be able to experience it for yourself!
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Below, we have some of the very best discussions cataloged for you, so you can select the topics that you’re most excited to explore!
Tools and Resources
Music to use when cleaning house with kids
What to Buy to Help Set Up M.O.M.
Franklin Covey planner or what else
M.O.M. in Real Life
How to organize with rotating shift schedule
Help with moving across country
Doing Less, Cutting Lists in Half
How does MOM help when going to college?
Brain Inbox, Writing Down Ideas Each Day
Budgeting Question, with Ideas
What can be done in 30 minutes?
When to do email and computer work
Teaching our children about M.O.M.
Implementing Routines & Responsibilities
Accountability buddy for projects
What to do with mine sweep lists
What to do with cards and letters
Before & After
Office Space Transformation with M.O.M.
Clean and organized desk, picture
Paper vs. Digital
Multiple Email Accounts, how to streamline
Thousands of emails down to zero
The System
Immediate vs. Important Next Actions
Incubation, can it be a piece of paper
Check Next Actions list twice a day
Where to keep Routines & Responsibilities
Picture of MOM system from blog
Someday vs. Incubation – when to use
Will it work @ work?
What contexts for corporate environment
Getting Started
Where to start, feeling overwhelmed