Thank you for enrolling your child in a Joy School-based preschool program!
The more that you reinforce the concepts and principles that your child learned at Joy School at home, the more your child will get out of their Joy School experience.
*** We suggest you bookmark this page so that you can easily access these materials whenever you wish.
Parent Introductions
We strongly recommend that you read over the Parent Introduction to each “Joy” whenever your preschool transitions to a new unit. You’ll see that some parts of these introductions are geared towards those actually teaching Joy School – feel free to skim those parts.
The first section of each introduction will likely be of most interest to you (it’ll only take you about 5 minutes to read over each introduction and it’ll make a world of difference in how connected you feel to your child’s preschool experience).
The Parent Introductions for each Joy/Unit are laid out below.
Joy School Music
Listening to the songs for each unit frequently at home and in the car will greatly enhance your child’s Joy School experience. The songs will help your child really internalize and remember what they are learning at Joy School (plus many of the songs can really help encourage positive behavior in your home! It’s amazing how well children respond when you start singing “Order, Order, put your things away!” or “When a thing is hard to do, I don’t sit and try, I just make a happy face and try, try, try…”).
The songs may sound pretty slow and basic to you, but their speed and simplicity are exactly what works for preschool age children.
You can click to download the music for each individual joy and access the parent introductions for each unit below. If you’d like to download all 50 songs at once, click the link below.
Zip File with the 50 Joy School songs for Fall Semester (Intro – Unit 5)
Zip File with the 41 Joy School songs for Spring Semester (Unit 6-10)
*** Please remember that these music files can only be legally used by Joy School members.
Introductory Unit
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Joy School
Unit 1
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of the Body
Unit 2
Parents’ Introduction to Joy of the Earth
Unit 3
Parents’ Introduction to Joy of Honesty and Communication
Joy of Honesty and Communication Songs
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Sharing and Service
Joy of Sharing and Service Songs
Unit 5
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Goals
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Confidence
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Wonder
Unit 8
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Imagination and Creativity
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Family
Unit 10
Parents’ Introduction to the Joy of Uniqueness
*** Please remember that the parent materials and music files linked above can only be legally used by those who have paid their Joy School membership fee.