Would you like some extra help putting your family systems together? Do you need someone to talk you through some of your parenting concerns? If so, I’d love to have you join our coaching program.
Here’s how it works:
- Set up a 25-minute introductory coaching call at your convenience where you can talk through your needs with Saren and receive some personalized coaching help as well as an assignment of one new thing to try based on your individual circumstances (this initial session costs only $50 as a limited-time offer).
- About one week after our intro session, we contact you to find out whether you’d like to continue with individualized coaching. You can select from a variety of coaching packages (Introductory pricing: four 45-minute sessions for $480, six 45-minute sessions for $700) then schedule your weekly or bi-weekly (your choice) coaching sessions at your convenience (daytime and evening timeslots provided).
- As you proceed with your coaching calls, Saren sends you follow-up texts and emails between calls to help keep you on track and you can contact her with questions that come up between scheduled phone calls.
- After your initial coaching package is complete, you can sign up for further coaching sessions if you so desire but most likely, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence you need to move forward on your own for a time (or forever!). You always have the option of siging up for further coaching sessions down the road if you’d like.
Saren completed her Masters in Education at Harvard University with and emphasis on parenting and family education, has offered group and individual parenting/family coaching for 20 years, and completed her Life Coach Intensive training with the CaPP Institute.
Here are some glimpses of Saren’s family over the years. To learn more about Saren, click here.