In this week’s episode, Saren interviews Kristen Jensen, author of the bestseller Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids. Saren and Kristen discuss why pornography can be so dangerous for our children and offer simple, specific steps every parent can take to educate and empower their children.
NOTE: This episode is longer than most – it’s 55 minutes while our episodes are typically around 30 minutes. But it will be well worth your time!
Show Notes
Kristen’s Website: (SO many wonderful free resources here!)
Kristen’s Books:
Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn Proofing Today’s Young Kids (ages 7-14)
Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Junior: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds (ages 3-6)
Free Printable: Text CANDOPLAN to 44222 and they’ll send you a printable with the CANDO Plan nicely laid out for your family. Here’s what it looks like:
M Keene says
I tried to text to 44222 and got this error message.
Leaddigit identifier not recognized!
Julianne says
I had the same problem:/
Jill says
I’m not positive, but I think the code to text is ALL one word: CANDOPLAN. No spaces.
Saren Eyre Loosli says
yes, Jill got it right, it’s CANDOPLAN that you need to text to get the printable. I’m sorry that it had a space between CANDO and PLAN in the show notes! That’s fixed now.
Lea says
Thanks so much for this great podcast! My husband and I have just started groups at our church to encourage healing from sexual brokenness, porn addiction, etc using materials from and Now, so many of the men and women involved have been wanting ways to explain what’s going on or the dangers of pornography to their kids, and I didn’t know about these books until listening last week. I ordered both right away and I am very impressed and thankful for how doable and encouraging and thorough they are!!! I also shared about them with Pure Desire to add to their resource list! Parents, yes, get your copies ASAP! I think as many parents as buy books about good touch/bad touch, physical boundaries, and sexual abuse, the number ordering these books about the dangers of pornography should be double or triple!!! Why? Because let’s face it, more kids will be exposed to porn than sexual abuse, and the results can still be devastating and have long-lasting impact into adulthood (hopefully all parents will be talking to kids about BOTH issues). The stories of the adults we work with dealing with porn and sexual addiction almost always (like 99%) start with being exposed to porn as children. It’s so important–And I hope parents don’t run away from the discussion because of their own feelings of guilt or shame surrounding personal habits/behaviors such as using porn. If that’s you, just putting it out there that there is HOPE, if you think you need help or want “out”. Also, I liked that these books also refer to pictures that kids can be exposed to anywhere, like billboards or even walking past that intimate clothing store in the mall.
Meredith says
Is it too late to get a copy of the plan? I have tried to send a text twice and get the same error both times “Leaddigit identifer not recognized.”