Welcome to our friends from Hand in Hand Parenting!
We’re so glad to have you here at Power of Moms, and we would love to invite you to receive two free eBooks.
For over 25 years, A Joyful Mother of Children and I Didn’t Plan to be a Witch by NYTimes bestselling author and mother of nine, Linda Eyre, have offered moms inspiration and guidance (alongside great stories and laughs).
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A Joyful Mother of Children – A veritable treasure trove of great advice for moms! Linda’s intimate and personal insights into the roller coaster adventure of motherhood will tickle your funny bone even as it opens and explains ideas that you will want to try as soon as you have read them. The phrase “Joyful Mother of Children,” taken from the Psalms, is a good description of the perspective of seeing our kids as our treasures, and this is both the attitude and the goal of all of Linda’s writing. While the principles and stories in this book are generally applicable to all moms, Linda includes Christian-focused perspectives in this book.
I Didn’t Plan to be a Witch – One of the best known and best loved “motherhood” books in the world, this captivating volume is short on parenting advice but long on parenting experience. Praised by mothers everywhere as the book that “really gets it” and that tells “everymother’s” story and predicament with candor and honesty as well as humor, this may be Linda’s most popular and perennial book. Read it and laugh, read it and weep, and read it to realize that you are not the first mom to feel the panic and frustration as well as the joy.
A Little Story From April: As soon as I had my first child, I zipped over to the library to check out every book on motherhood that I could find. There were lots of helpful hints on housework, organization, and child development, but I couldn’t find the one book I was looking for–the one that would show me how beautiful and exciting motherhood could be. The one that would help me to know that I wasn’t alone in all the struggles I was having.
After months of searching, I found Linda Eyre’s A Joyful Mother of Children at a bookstore. Our budget was so tight that I didn’t think we could afford it, so I sat tucked in a corner for twenty minutes, speed-reading the book while my husband chased our toddler around the store.
Seeing the look on my face as I absorbed Linda’s words, my husband asked, “Do you want to buy this?” Surprised, I looked up at him through watery eyes, paused to consider how much money I needed to buy groceries, and simply nodded.
We went home with the book. It changed my life. And then I had the privilege of meeting Linda, and she introduced me to her daughter Saren. Before we knew it, we were partners in The Power of Moms. And now, five years later, you’re here with us.
We couldn’t be more excited to offer you these two favorite eBooks–absolutely free.
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Enjoy your books!