Want your children to be better listeners? Tired of nagging and yelling?
We have a real treat for you. Amy McCready, a deliberate mother, TODAY Show contributor, and founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, recorded a FREE webinar training for our Power of Moms Community:
“Get Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling.”
(Sounds heavenly, right?)
If you’re tired of the yelling and whining–whether it’s from two-year-olds or teens–you’re not alone.
So sit back and relax (or grab some laundry that needs folding) and enjoy the replay of this life-changing webinar.
Click here for the replay of Amy’s Power of Moms Webinar.
Amy talks about proven tools for our most frustrating discipline dilemmas, and you’ll go away with specific ideas for helping your home run more smoothly and peacefully.
And there is absolutely zero obligation, but if you want further resources after enjoying the webinar, we recommend Amy’s full online course 100%. We’ve tried out her programs, we’ve signed up to be affiliates, and we know you’ll absolutely what she has to offer. (There’s even a 30-day money back guarantee, so honestly, you won’t regret giving them a try.)
Click here to learn about Amy’s incredible programs, and use “power10″ as your coupon code when you check out for a special Power of Moms discount!
About Amy McCready
Parenting expert Amy McCready is the Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions and a “recovering yeller.” She is a champion of positive parenting techniques for happier families and well-behaved kids. Amy reaches a worldwide audience with her Positive Parenting Solutions Online course and is a frequent guest on the TODAY Show and has also appeared on Rachael Ray, CNN, Fox & Friends, MSNBC, and elsewhere. In her most important role, she is mom to two teenage boys.