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As promised, we’ve prepared a fantastic complimentary eBook based on the principles of Getting Things Done®.
Your free eBook– Master the Whirlwind: How to Calm Your Mind, Tame Your Task List, and Truly Enjoy Your Family was written specifically for busy moms, but the tried-and-true principles presented within its pages work seamlessly for everyone (dads, business professionals, and students…you’ll love it too).
We’ll walk you through David Allen’s Five Phases of Workflow (in a down-to-earth, practical way that works with families), and we’ll show you exactly how you can become an email ninja in less than an hour–getting your inbox to zero and keeping it that way.
Simply enter your email below, and you’ll receive three gifts:
1. The downloadable PDF of our Master the Whirlwind eBook
2. The audio version of the eBook, so you can listen while you commute, do dishes, or fold laundry
(We’ve heard this is the favorite way to get the information)
3. An 8-part video eCourse, where we feature the principles from the eBook in quick two-minute segments–and help you apply it to your life, one step at a time.
When your eCourse is completed, we’ll send you a weekly newsletter, bringing you the very best resources from our community (if you’re not already receiving it and from which you can unsubscribe at any time).
April Perry is not affiliated with or endorsed by David Allen or the David Allen Company which is the creator of the Getting Things Done® system for personal productivity. GTD® and Getting Things Done® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company. For more information on the David Allen Company’s products, please visit their website: www.davidco.com.