We’d love to have you join our Family Systems eCourse

- involve your children in creating the right rules and consequences
- teach your children to work out their own disagreements as they build strong relationships with each other
- set up chore charts and rewards systems that are tailored to your family’s needs
- teach children to happily and effectively contribute to housework
- establish a family bank that motivates children to spend and save wisely
- figure out daily, weekly and special occasion “rituals” or traditions that are fun, simple and meaningful
- decide together what you want your family identity to be
- and so much more!
With your exclusive coupon code systems50, you’ll receive $50 off your purchase so you can get lifetime access to the full Family Systems eCourse for $197.
To help motivate you to sign up and start enjoying the benefits of the eCourse right away, before you get busy with regular life and it slips your mind, we are offering this special $50 off deal for 48 HOURS ONLY.
We’d love to help you every step of the way as you create the systems that can lead to the meaningful and joyful family life you want.
Click here to purchase the Full Family Systems eCourse
*** Be sure to use coupon code systems50 (no caps or spaces!)