Should you send your children to school? If so, what type of school? Should you homeschool them? Would you maybe like to get the best of both worlds?
Educating our children is one of our most important duties as a parent and sometimes we need to get creative to come up with schooling options that feel right.
Earlier in the school year, we did a podcast episode about how to choose the right schooling options for your family and I mentioned that we were doing a hybrid of homeschool and regular school with our twin 8th graders this year. I received a lot of questions and requests for further details about what we were doing so I sat down with my boys, Oliver and Silas, to record a podcast episode about what we are doing this year and how it’s been going.
I hope this episode will spark some helpful ideas for you as you consider the best schooling options for your children and family.
Show Notes
Podcast from earlier this school year:
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