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I grew up in a big family – a really big one (I’m the oldest of 9 children and my husband is the 8th of the 9 children in his family) – so I’ve been part of a lot more birthday celebrations than your average person. Plus I’ve been putting together birthday celebrations for my 5 kids for 18 years now. So I’ve learned a thing or two…
Check out some great ideas and insights for protecting what matters most during the holidays — and enjoy great suggestions for holiday read-aloud classics.
In this episode, Saren shares some experiences she’s had with one of those age-old parenting issues – getting kids to clean up their room. She also shares some helpful tips for figuring out when it may be time to “give up” or simply let up on certain things that we want our children to do as we respect their opinions and needs and build our relationships with them.
Family fun doesn’t need to be about complicated decorations or wearing ourselves out with dozens of events. But with a little bit of planning and a deliberate-motherhood mindset, this fall is destined to be the best one yet!
There are nine minutes in the day that can have the most impact on a child. Author Amy Makechnie has a sure way to make the most of them.
Listen as Saren and her mother, NYT #1 Bestselling Author, Linda Eyre, discuss why it’s so important to really pay attention to our children and to the world around us. As we work to be more fully present and focus on nurturing awe in ourselves and our children, we can be better parents and happier people.
Do you have trouble motivating your kids to do their share around the house? Check out these five very practical tips from parenting expert Amy McCready to help you get your family routines back on track.
I want to cherish my children and bind our hearts together while they’re young so that hopefully we’ll be close on into the future. Here are are some simple but powerful little “traditions” that have helped me soak in my “babies” for as long as they’ll let me.
As you walk into that shiny classroom to meet your child’s teacher for the first time, here are a couple of important questions that can start that very important relationship off on the right foot.
Saren’s family has been holding family reunions for over 30 years now – and they’ve got some great ideas to share.