Author:Alice Fulton & Pauline Hatch
This is my go-to book for streamlining and organizing my home! I “met” the book at a De-junking Class held at my church. My friend Marcia taught the class and told how she was able to de-clutter and organize her home using the methods that the authors set up. The book is easy to read and very practical–a great reference to go to any time. After attending this class, I purchased my own copy of “It’s Here Somewhere”, streamlined and organized my 1300 square foot home and had it ready to sell because we were getting ready to move. I got rid of 20 large yard bags full of stuff. Half went to a yard sale and then Goodwill. The rest was trash. Our house sold for the asking price, by the way, and our realtor told us it showed so well because it was so uncluttered.
I love how the authors emphasize Point-of-Use storage. It makes setting up your kitchen so much easier. And hey, when the kitchen is organized well, everyone benefits because Mom is happier while she’s in there!
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Anna, I’m one of the authors of It’s Here…Somewhere (Alice Fulton Osborne) and I want to thank you for mentioning our book and for such a lovely recommendation. Your site is super and I’ll be stopping by often, by the way!
My best,
I purchased this book based on Power of Mom’s recommendation and it has been a great resource. I have gone through cleaning things out in my home in a methodical way before but something in this book really clicked with me. I started implementing the Power of Moms Organization program about a year ago but I never cleared out the rest of my house. Now that I have gone through this book and cleared out about 20 bags from my house (and I’m not done yet!), I know that I can fully implement the Power of Moms Organization program. Thank you so much for this book recommendation and your organization program – they are both fabulous!
Kat, as one of the authors of this book, you’ve made my day. Thank you for your validating comment. My best wishes as you continue to remove everything that you don’t like, use, need, want, or have room for. You’ll notice you’ll not only find what matters most, you’ll find more time, energy, and mental space for what matters most! Regards, Alice Fulton-Osborne
Hi Alice! How neat to hear from one of the authors! I agree with you, I already am finding more time, energy and mental space for what matters most. I just loaded my car up with another 7 bags of donations today and I feel like I’m breathing deeper and I’m walking with a lighter feel – somehow our stuff weighs us down. Even when it isn’t all out in the open (a lot of my things were in our backyard shed) and although it was out of sight it still weighed down in my mind as something that I needed to get to. I listened to a recent podcast April did on “Organizing Our Stuff” and I thought she mentioned that she is doing a podcast with you – I can’t wait to hear it!
Hi again Kat,
Yes, April and I had a long interview on how to deal with clutter, etc. I hope you find it helpful. Meanwhile, keep up the great work. You’re setting a super example for your children, friends, family, neighbors. I wish you every success!
hi! I just listened to the podcast (loved it!!) and was trying to track down a copy of the book…it’s going for $24 on Amazon (paperback) which I thought was a little high, then I saw it for $114 on a private sellers site?! 😀 I know it’s a good book, but WOW!! 😀 I will keep an eye out for a sale (my budget for ‘mom books’ is a little limited with back to school expenses – haha) Word must be out that the book is AWESOME!!
Thanks so much for all the inspiration, Alice and Power of Moms!! You probably hear it all the time, but the guidance and support you provide are life changing. Keep up the good work!!! 😀
Dear Gracenote: This is Alice Osborne (author of IT’S HERE…SOMEWHERE). First, thank you for your interest in this timeless book. I would be happy to sell you a copy ($12 + $3 S&H). Let me know if I can help in this way. My email is [email protected]. And second, keep simplifying–a simpler, clutter-free environment is one of the very best things a momma can do for her family! You have my admiration and best regards, Alice