We were flattered to recently be named “most inspiring blog for moms” by the TV show, Studio Five (the clip is above – skip to minute 5 if you want to get to the part about Power of Moms – but all the blogs they talk about are great). That got us wondering which other blogs our readers find to be really inspiring and helpful to deliberate mothers.
So we’re holding a contest to find and recognize some excellent blogs out there.
There are so MANY mom blogs out there – but which ones are REALLY worth the time of a deliberate mother?
Please use the form below to nominate your favorite blogs (including your own if you like – no need to be modest here!) by Wednesday, June 8th. We’ll put the ten blogs that receive the most nominations up for a vote Monday, June 13th. Then we’ll award the three blogs with the most votes with the “Power of Moms Best Blog for Deliberate Mothers Award” and they’ll receive some exciting prizes (including the opportunity to come of one of our Retreats for free!).
Criteria for Nomination
To be eligible for this contest, nominated blogs should be:
- Written by a mom
- Full of inspirational ideas and replicable ideas that focus on deliberate mothering
- Applicable to a wide variety of moms – not focused on one particular religion, race, etc.
- Interesting and fun to read
- Current: updated at least 2-3x/week