If your children have recently gone back to school, you’re probably going through some of the same things we’re going through.There are lots of emotions involved and new schedules to consider. Some of us are redefining ourselves as we enter a new stage of motherhood.
Join Saren and April as they share their own “back to school” stories–along with plenty of practical tips for making the transition work for the whole family.
- We’ll talk about how to be present when our children are home (and how to get things done while they’re at school).
- We’ll share specific schedules we established in our own homes when we had preschoolers–and schedules we’ve established now with older children.
- And we’ll suggest questions you can ask yourself if you’re redefining who you are and how you want to spend your time.
Post: Establishing School-Year Routines (example of a chart Saren’s kids made)
Post: Simple Morning Rountine Charts (how to get very young children into good morning rountines)
Podcast with Amy McCready (talks about Mind, Body, and Soul Time)
School papers and homework can be managed beautifully with this:
Get together for a fun girls’ night out every month:
Ready to get totally organized?
Music from Creations by Michael R. Hicks.
Audio Editing by Christy Elder
Mary says
Great radio show! And I echo April’s comments about how the “identity crisis” some moms go through when their youngest goes off to school could be it’s own podcast. Please record that podcast! 🙂