This quick and interesting assessment sheet will help you learn how your behavior and expectations are impacting your children’s behavior. After filling out the assessment, you’ll be able to pat yourself on the back for some things and you’ll realize you may want to work on other things!
You may want to have your spouse/parenting partner fill out their own copy of the assessment while you do yours and then you can compare your answers. Then discuss how to make adjustments and create an environment in your home that really invites positive behavior.
Click below to access the assessment form then print and complete it. Feel free to bookmark this page so that you can re-take the assessment in a month and see your progress!
Positive Environment Assessment
For a full 1-hour training on how to set your children up for good behavior through clear and meaningful rules and consequences, teach children about work and money, and create a strong and fun family culture, we invite you to view our free webinar: The Three Systems Every Family Needs
*** If you’d like help with the next steps involved in creating a truly good-behavior-friendly environment in your home plus help creating rules and consequences, a system of chores and allowance, and a fun and strong family culture, check out our Family Systems eCourse here.